Pita Label Tepra

KINGJIM Label TEPRA PRO Black Ink 12mm ST12K
KINGJIM Label TEPRA PRO Black Ink 12mm ST12K adalah label refill isi ulang untuk mesin Tepra dengan ukuran 12mm dengan tinta berwarna hitam. Harga tertera per pcs
Up to five limited quantities per person. [Specifications]
● tape length: 8m
● label color / text color: transparent / black
● tape width: 12mm
● Order unit: can not be used in one transparent type
● Tepra TR type color capitalize things that stick
● KINGJIM width 12mm width 12 mm 8 m length 8m length length 800cm length of 800 cm label printer TEPRA label writer tape Tepra cartridge Tepra PRO tape PRO tape cartridge Teprapro Tepra seal KINGJIM office equipment and shop equipment